Saturday, October 28, 2006

KC Weekend pictures up!

I know it was like a month ago, but i finally have the pictures from the family weekend in Kansas City. They can be found at my Photobucket account.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Chill out!

At least that's what the weather is finally deciding to sort of do, lately. It is Kansas, and as a member of my church here put it, that means that "one day it's summer and the next it's winter."
Not much has been going on here in Kansas. There's a few midterm-type things left, and it's 11 days (seven hours, five minutes) until I get to go home for my sister's musical. I didn't have either journalism class this morning, and my psych lecture was canceled (hence me updating my blog right now).
I had a worship team picnic on Saturday, during which we also listened to the KU/Baylor game. Yuck. This is the fourth game in a row that we have lost in the fourth quarter. Argh. We can't seem to be able to hold a lead. In the first half, we held them at 35-17 or something like that, and then they beat us 36-35 in the last few minutes. Also, in the last minute, everything wrong that possible could go wrong did. Interception? Check. Sack? Check. Dropped pass? Check. Incomplete pass? Check. The list goes on. I think that KU should just not come on the field the first half. Let the other team score a few times, and then come out for the second half and play that like the first half. Argh.
I updated The Optometrist today, also. "Football dad pulls gun on coach to get son in game." Good stuff.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Photo #23

The Kansas City Skyline at night. Posted by Picasa

Fall Break is done. Boo Mondays.

Fall break is finally over. After a wonderful four-day weekend of doing absolutely nothing, I must sadly get off my butt and do stuff.
I did watch a buttload of movies this weekend, though. Loren has quite a collection.
Today looks like a standard Monday. Rainyish (misting/spitting/whatever you want to call it), hard to get out of bed, gray, etc. But this Monday was somewhat better, thanks to the results of the Russian test I took the Wednesday before Fall Break! I got a 84%! I got a B!
*dances a Russian jig*
This is quite a large improvement over my first test in there.
Maybe Mondays aren't so bad after all!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Bubble Monster Strikes Again!

Yes, the Bubble Monster (tm) has struck again. Even though they've "fixed" it twice, it's apparently still active. Kendal came out from his room while I was on my computer and noticed it had erupted again. It wasn't a very big eruption, nothing like the first one, but this is after they've "fixed" it twice! Last time they "fixed" it, there was 6 people in and out of our room trying to "fix" it.
So if this is the 7th time, how many more times is it gonna take for them to actually fix it? Last time they had people down in the boiler room knocking around, people crowded around the sink, etc.
Ah, college.
EDIT: The Bubble Monster (tm) struck again around midnight. The count is up to 8.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Photo #22

Old Faithful! Posted by Picasa

Photo #21

Cool Waterfall in Yellowstone. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Livin' the fantasy life.

This past weekend, my aunt and uncle celebrated their 30th anniversery by inviting the whole family to Kansas City for a weekend at the Hyatt, free of charge to us! Acutally, my aunt didn't have anything to do with it, she was clueless. My very creative and resourceful uncle set it all up without her ever knowing. I will attempt to post some pictures of the weekend on photobucket, if it feels like cooperating. I had a lot of fun with my family, and it was great to see my mom and dad again. Especially since she brought apples from the local orchard in Minnesota and her famous blonde brownies.
They're going fast.
Nothing else has been going on down here. The weather has been outrageously warm for October, but I'm sounding like an old person. Fall break is coming up next week, which means everyone else in my room gets to go home except me.
Maybe I'll actually write more in my blog! Gasp!
Remember to keep checking "the optometrist" for more news analysis of the day!

Lawrence Weather