Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Last post was my first Kansan article....but not my last!! I just received word this morning that I got an opinion columnist position at the University Daily Kansan, effective next semester!!!
I will try to post links to the stories on this blog and the actual stories on the optometrist.
I'm hittin the big time!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'm Published!

My first article in the Kansan was published today! http://www.kansan.com/stories/2006/dec/07/holidays/
It's an article about non-Christmas holidays celebrated around campus.

Friday, December 01, 2006

November Rewind

Looks like I didn't mind the gap. Sorry for the nopost November, everyone. Stuff has gotten a little crazy with finals and breaks and whatnot down here.
So, to make it up, we'll have November Rewind:
The first weekend of November, I got to go home to see my sister in "Kiss Me, Kate." But I already wrote about all that, so moving on!
I had two weeks of classes in between that and Thanksgiving. They didn't exactly fly by, but they didn't go slow either. It might have just been normal time, or something weird like that. Not much exciting happened in those two weeks.
Then I got to go home for Thanksgiving!!! My dad came down that Tuesday after my math class, and we drove the long haul back to Hutch (thanks for driving a buttload, dad!). We got back, I danced with my sister in the hallway for awhile (it was late), and then went to bed.
Wednesday I pretty much just sat around. Kayla came back Wednesday night, so I hung out there and did a puzzle with her and her family (don't ask). Thursday we had another family from church come over for Thanksgiving Dinner, which featured my mother's magnificent turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing, pumpkin pie, butterhorn rolls (kinda like crossaints, but much better), and a bunch of other stuff I probably forgot. It was delicious. Friday was another sitting around day. I went over to Kayla's again and she stole a bunch of my music I had on my computer (song count now at 2018) with my permission.
Saturday I went with Kayla to her dad's brother's house for Thanksgiving with them (thanks again for inviting me, Lahrs!) It was my first time meeting the extended family all together like that. Kinda scary, but they're a lot of fun. We played two or three board games and got pretty competitive.
Sunday, I went to church and then flew back to Lawrence.
This week has been kind of exciting. On Tuesday, I wore shorts. On Wednesday and Thursday, we had a large ice storm and then some snow (i'm sitting in the computer lab in my stocking cap on and my winter coat behind me). I even had to break out the ninja mask yesterday.
Dumb Kansas weather. Can't make up it's mind.
I also decided to write for the Kansan! They've asked me once before to write for them, but I turned them down. This time, I had a buttload to do (and still have that buttload), but I decided to go for it. I'm writing about non-Christmas holidays that students celebrate. If it's online, and I think it will be, I'll post a link to it.
Well, I think that about does it. Sorry again about the gap.

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