Thursday, January 18, 2007

Photo #25

Megan playing the piano.
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Christmas Break

Sorry it's been so long between posts, folks. I guess doing nothing all break really sucked up a lot of my time.
Well, I'm back in Lawrence after a wonderful Christmas break from school. I spent all but three days of it in Minnesota (those three were spent with extended families in Iowa), and I had a blast!
I really didn't do a whole lot over break, but I will attempt to find some things of note.
My mother purchased a brand-new sewing machine over break, so that was her new toy to play with, and she even got to fix a mysterious hole in my dress shirt.
I received my first suit for Christmas and went up to St. Cloud to pick one out and get it fitted and all that jazz. Kayla came up with us to give her opinion and to spend time with my scary family. I then wore the suit on a date with Kayla to Pizza Hut to celebrate our 4th year together. Our anniversary is actually February 14th, but because I'm going to KU and she's going to UND up in Grand Forks, North Dakota, that makes things a tad difficult to arrange.
I also received a Chia Pet from my parents (since my sister has been whining about her deprived childhood of zero pets), which I actually began to work on today. It's actually a complicated process for such a....strange thing.
Kayla gave me a book called "Comes A Horseman" by one Robert Liparulo. It's the same kind of style as Ted Dekker or Frank Peretti, which we both really like. The book was very strange. Strange on a level with Dekker's and Peretti's collaboration, titled "House." Both are very strange and make you really think about spiritual and even ethical topics. Liparulo's book delves into the coming of the Antichrist and what circumstances could surround that event in the future. I would highly recommend both.
I came back to Lawrence a few days early to attend various meetings concerning my new job as a guest columnist with the newspaper on campus, the University Daily Kansan. So far, I am only going to printed for sure twice, once in March and once in April. But, since the job description mentioned something about filling in when another column can't run, I might be able to get printed a few more times. Who knows? I already have one piece written up for them: a satire piece against Apple Inc. I pointed out their incredible snootyness (sp?) and made up a few new products for them, like the iPillow, the iPencil, and of course, the iLaundrybasket. If it gets printed, I will be sure to let you all know via blog.
Well, I believe that catches us up to today. If I forget anything, please don't hesitate to add!
Sorry about the gap!

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