Thursday, December 20, 2007

Smells like a new blog

New Blog smell isn't exactly a new car smell or something equally noticeable, but it's still new.
It's been awhile since I've been on the ol' bloggy, so I decided to update my tens of readers before I left on my highfalutin (or however you spell that) vacation.
My family and I leave for Hawaii tomorrow (an 8.5 hour flight from Minneapolis to Honolulu) to go on an island cruise! We're stopping at all the main islands, and I have no idea right now how many there actually are, but there's a bunch. We're going on the cruise with my mom's extended family, so my aunts and uncles and one set of grandparents and all those type people. All in all we'll add up to 23 people.
Now, I've never been on a cruise, so I have no idea what to expect. We may be doing the shuffleboard-Vegas-show-old-people-Branson-on-a-boat type things (I hope not), or we may just hang around the pool-within-the-bigger-pool-known-as-the-ocean until we're sunburnt and fat on free cruise food. I don't know yet. I do know that we'll be doing all the touristy type stuff like this shop and that volcano park, but I don't know exactly what each off-boat excursion will entail.
I do know one thing about the trip: I have about a 1000-1500 limit on the pictures I can take, and I plan on getting as close to that as humanly possible. That very well may be filling up my already almost-full hard drive.

In other news, I'm home! I've finished my first semester of my junior year at KU, and hopefully only have 3 more to go, barring any unforeseen catastrophe. Next semester I'll be taking the last of my non-journalism classes. I will also be working for the student paper as a reporter for a class, so I can get experience and class credit, all in one. I'll also be taking some other classes, but I can't remember them at all right now. I'll check on that once I get back to Lawrence sometime in January.
Ah, to be a young, carefree college kid. (insert scoff here)

For those tens of you that read my blog but don't know my mother, she has also started a blog (in an effort to become hip and cool and cool and hip and all up ons) called Just Enough Light. You should all check it out.

Now playing: Hans Zimmer - Hunger
via FoxyTunes

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