Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Folks, this blog will no longer be operational. I've moved on to
Please go there for all your Caleb Sommerville needs.

Friday, January 09, 2009

My Fun Break

Well, most of it was fun, anyways.
We started out the break on December 19th by driving out to Amanda's parents' house in Phillipsburg, KS. We basically hung out for a week. It was awesome. We made sugar cookies, decorated them, went shopping in Kearney, NE (such fun!), and watched a bunch of movies. Unfortunately, I spent the entire week with my heart in my throat and worrying.
I was waiting for the right time to ask Amanda's dad for her hand in marriage.
Every night before and after dinner I was nervous out of my mind. Finally, Dec. 24, the night before we left, at 11:45pm, I asked. He was literally on his way to his bed, and it was literally the LAST POSSIBLE SECOND.
Anyways, he said yes.
The next day, Christmas Day, was the big day.
Amanda and I started driving from Phillipsburg to Cedar Rapids, IA, where my grandparents live. It was about a 9 hour drive, so we packed a picnic with leftovers. When we hit the west end of Lincoln, NE, I told Amanda that I was hungry and we needed to stop. Believe me, I was anything but hungry.
After we realized that the place we had stopped at, the Git n' Split, wasn't exactly the most scenic location for a Christmas Day picnic. We kept driving through Lincoln, and ended up stopping between Lincoln and Omaha.
Ashland, NE. Remember that town.
We got off the exit and took a frontage road to an antique mall/warehouse/barn thingy. It was up on a hill and would have provided a nice view of...Nebraska. Yeah, it had just snowed so it was actually kinda pretty.
On our way up the frontage road, we noticed that the road was basically one large sheet of ice. After we slid to a stop, we decided that was the perfect place for a picnic.
I got out the CD I had made Amanda for Christmas, with 10 of our favorite songs. Track 1. Track 2. Track 3. Track 4.
Everytime the track number got bigger, my heart rate grew along with it.
Track 5. Track 6. Track 7.
I was trying to eat a ham sandwich, but after about half of it, I felt like I needed to puke.
Track 8. Track 9.
Deep breath....
Track 10. "The Best Thing" by Relient K. Our favorite song.
Little did she know.
I had downloaded a audio editing program called "Audacity" and played around with it. Then, I usefully used it to record an extra verse on the end of the song.
The last few words?
"Will you marry me?"
Amanda said yes, and that was pretty much the best Christmas ever.
Check out facebook for pictures of the place as well as the ring.
After Christmases in both grandparents' houses in Iowa, we headed back up to Hutch. We did more hanging out, visited the Addington's, opened presents, got a GPS system, and on the 7th, got my wisdom teeth out.
The actual surgery was fine, and so was the rest of the day. I was on some painkillers and slept a lot. The next morning, yesterday, I took a pill with codine in it.
I spent the rest of the day extremely nauseous, eventually puking twice and falling asleep late with a massive headache.
Today, I woke up feeling okay. Still feeling mostly okay. Teeth hurt but now I'm too paranoid to take another painkiller.
Sounds like a fun break, huh? Actually, it has been. These past few days have been the only exception to an otherwise awesome break.
After all, I am engaged!

Lawrence Weather