Sunday, December 04, 2005


Given the somewhat downtrodden nature of my last few posts, i decided to put an upbeat one in here.
Church was especially good today. It always has been. I'm very thankful to God for allowing me to find this Church (Christ Community Church) so early on. I've said this before in previous posts, but I find it necessary to reiterate, given the past few weeks there. The college bible study is pretty good. I guess it's not fully up to my standard because my standards are unfairly biased. I'm used to a close-knit group in Hutch that i've known for a while. Having all new people, save a few guys from Navs, is a little awkward for me, i guess. But i'm getting better. The sermons are great. Pastor Bill Hurlbutt (I know...strange last name. But he's great!), or PB as he is called, is not afraid to preach on issues other preachers step around. He preaches on sin, on hell (yes, he actually says the word "hell"!), on everything the congregation needs to hear. Not wants to hear, but needs to hear. I enjoy his analysis on already well-known passages a lot.
I am very thankful that God has allowed me to find a good church so quickly. The sermons are good, the pastor is good, the bible study is good, and I can even get regular rides there! And....the bible study has donuts. But that's beside the point. I really do enjoy the college life here in Lawrence, despite the impressions I have given in previous posts. There just are a few things that bug me.
That's all for now.
11 Days!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, Caleb, did you hear that Paul Mirecki, the head of the religious studies department, resigned??? Interesting, huh?

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