Well, I'm back from yet another Spring Break. Sorry I didn't get any posts from the road up, but you know how it goes. It was a very fun and relaxing week, despite having to go back to school .
And I didn't get any birthday cake. But I can still survive.
To start out with, my parents got into town on Friday night. We left the next morning for Wichita, Kansas, the birthplace of Caleb Sommerville. We also went to my parents old church and

We then headed off to Oklahoma City to visit some other old friends. Back when we lived in Columbia, Missouri, our family adopted a college student from MU.

The first day in Austin was spent primarily shopping. That wasn't so bad, but the fact that I couldn't really buy anything (it was my birthday on the 26th) kind of put a hamper on that. We v

On the way out of Austin, we stopped at LBJ's birthplace farm type thing. It was pretty interesting.
Then it was on to San Antonio. We had a hotel right on the Riverwalk, a historic canal with shops and really good resturants (and expensive; we ended up eating at Joe's Crab Shack, which is still yummy). The Alamo was probably the most interesting thing on the trip. I had no idea there was so much

There. Whew!
That's the vacation stuff. The most fun part was being with my crazy family. Whether it be taking odd and occasionally banned pictures, or just singing nonsensical songs about nothing, we had a lot of fun together.
Pictures can be found on my photobucket account. The link is the the "linxx" bar on the right side of the screen.