Sunday, March 05, 2006


It was a lot of fun! The way everyone was limping back home though, it was more like Old Man maker.
I really learned a lot this weekend. The theme was "A Time for War." And while things like lust were talked about, we went a whole lot deeper. I won't go into details, because I can't really remember what exact points were. The main thing that I learned is that we are in a battle. They used a clip from "The Two Towers" to explain that. Gandalf is explaining to King Theoden that they have to ride out and attack the enemy head on. Theoden is reluctant, and Aragorn says "Open war is upon you, whether you would risk it or not." We hav eto make this an offensive battle, not a defensive one. We watched several Lord of the Rings clips, and the last one we watched was Theoden's speech to his riders on the fields of the last big battle. I really learned a lot and thank God for that awesome opportunity.
We also had fun. Whether it be trying to light a charcoal fire (as seen on the left) or donning extreme facial hair (as modeled by our fearless leader Matt Podzsus on the right). Now to explain the rather mysterious "Trash Smash." I do not have any pictures yet, but I hope to soon. Here's the setup: There's a big trash can weighted down with several large rocks in the middle of a field. We were split up into teams of 6 or 7 (only 5 per team played at one time) and began the fun. Basically there are two rules. One is try as hard as you can to get the football into the trash can, and the other one is that there are no other rules. Basically you tackle, block, jump, elbow, dive and whatever else you can make your body do in order to either defend the goal or get the ball in. It was quite invigoriating, to say the least. By the end of 5 games, I was spent. I twisted my ankle a little and somehow decided that my right knee was the only thing that could hit the ground first, which it did several times. Other than that, there's a few bruises and arching muscles, but no major injuries.
And now, some more pictures for your enjoyment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


ps: whos that awesome guitar player?


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