Friday, April 14, 2006

Easter Weekend

Hello all. Sorry for the long break between posts, but...well...I really don't have an excuse. College just has a tendency to suck time away from you.
Not much has happened this week. I just finished my Russian test (yuck) a few minutes ago, so that studying is finally over. My wonderful parents sent me Easter candy and the Narnia DVD. One would think that the movie would suffer on a smaller screen, but it is just as good. Growing up with those books makes the movie (soon to be movies; they are starting production on Prince Caspian) all the more fun. I always thought of Mr. Tumnus as the faltering, nervous faun that James McAvoy portrayed him as. And Lucy was pretty much exactly how I imagined her. I read on the imDb database that when the older actor's swearing got out of hand, Georgie Henley (Lucy) made a "swear bucket" to repremand them. Quite the little actress.
On other notes, I am going to Columbia this weekend! Yep, it's back to my roots (I grew up in Columbia, Missouri) for Easter. Stefan, one of my friends here at KU, is from Columbia, and so I am going home with him for the weekend. Fun Fun Fun!
Stupid-I mean Student-Senate elections are finally over. No more chalking, pamphlets, or "accosting" (i love that word). For anyone that cares, Ignite won.
That's pretty much it in the world of KU.

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