Sunday, October 30, 2005

Exciting *cough* weekend

Nah, it wasn't really that exciting. I just kinda sat around.
Actually, i rode down to Mass. St. for something to do. It was fun! Except for the part where i didn't see the stairs and the frame of my bike got a little personal with me. That's where we'll leave it.
There was a lot of people there, considering it was the homecoming game. It was still fun. I wandered around an antique store, but didn't buy anything. They had lots of old crap, and even some stuff actually worth something! (gasp!)
Hmm...nothin else...
24 days till i go home! 47 days till Christmas break! WOOHOO!
And Star wars comes out on DVD on tuesday. This couldn't get any more unbearable. There is too much to look forward to. And not enough happening now.
Hopefully the next 24/23 days will go by quickly. One can only hope.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Family FUNTIMES!!!

Well, another weekend come and gone. It's Monday night, and the Russian homework has started to get boring, henceforth a blog entry. My family was here this weekend. It was a lot of fun to see them again. Megan was crazy the whole time, cuz she missed me. Dad was normal, and Mom was normal because she had a cold. We went to Mass St., Olathe (to visit my cousin Julia), Wallace and Gromit (which is a very funny movie), Church, Navs Night, etc. It was fun!
They were very nice to me. They took me out to eat a buncha times...a steakhouse, Cici's Pizza, TGI Friday's, Marylyn and Russ's house, Muncher's bakery (how was the rest of that chocolate thingy, dad?), and some other places I probably forgot about. They also brought me a new bike (thanks a TON Bob!!), cookies (which are still yummy), and more apples (also still yummy).
Anyways...Megan came to J-101 with me, and knew more about the bird-flu (our so-called "hot topic") than a lot of other people there.
I had a lot of fun with you guys! Thanks so much for a great weekend, even if my brilliant roommate ran away when he realized they were here before he cleaned up the room. Oh well. Who knows how long those socks will be there. Maybe they'll grow into sock trees under the sink.
Well...That's about it! If there's anything I left out, please let me know.
29 Days until i get to go home!! 55 days until Christmas break. Woohoo!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Public Service Annoucement #2

Hello again, all. I'm sorry the last few posts have just been about current events and such. The reason? Just tryin it out. I would like all who read my blog to let me know if you prefer the current events stuff or the personal stuff, or how much of both, or whatever. I enjoy both.

On the current events side, A new Bond has been named! I read about it yesterday, and Daniel Craig, a 30-something British actor, who's also blond, is the new Bond for the next film "Casino Royale," which apparently was the first Bond book ever written by Ian Fleming. For the full news story, click here.

On the personal side, life has been pretty darn boring. It's fall break here at KU, and there is hardly anyone here. I'll bet there's about 4 or 5 guys left on my floor. The parking lots are completely empty, and E's is hardly ever loud. Come Monday, however, it will all be back to normal. Woohoo.
My family is coming next weekend! I haven't seen them in 2 months, so it should be lotsa fun, especially since it's right after midterms, so homework hopefully will not be too big of a deal. It's also (EDIT:I had been counting wrong!)39 days until I go home for thanksgiving. I can hardly wait!!!!
Nothing else to report. Remember, leave comments about my format!!!!

Sunday, October 09, 2005


I'm sure you've all heard about the massive earthquake in South Asia by now. 30-40,000 are now feared dead. This is a major crisis, and I believe that, already, our nation's sympathy is not enough. For Katrina, there was overwhelming response, despite what Kanye West said. For a disaster of many times the magnitude, there has been headlines. Nothing else very notable.
Since I used to live in Southeast Asia, and have seen the depravity and poverty that these people live in, this is a very horrific occurrence that hits a little close to home. Please, keep them in your prayers. They need to see the love of Jesus in their time of need.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

DARPA Grand Challenge

Back when i actually used to subscribe and recieve Popular Science (now i'm subscribed but don't recieve it) they had quite a few articles about DARPA's Grand Challenge. (Click here for information about the race, and here to read more about DARPA) I learned tonight that 4 robots finished the race! This is huge news. These vehicles were completely run by computers, and they successfully navigated a desert course without human intervention. This is a huge breakthrough for the transportation industry, as well as the military.
It's happy news to me.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Yay cold!

WE have finally started cooling down down here, tempature wise. It was about mid 5os and low 60s today. I wore a t-shirt this morning (45, i believe the ever-reliable internet said) just to get cold. It's been so long since i was actually cold. I know, i sound weird and all, but that's one thing i guess i picked up from the Frozen Wastelands of Minnesota.
I have to give a speech tomorrow on renewable energy. Yuk. I picked solar energy on a whim, and just got done with it about 15 minutes ago. Now i'm just sitting in the study room not wanting to get up and go back to my room.
Well...I don't think there's really much else to report on....except that i get to go home in exactly
37 Days!!!! WOOHOO!
I'm going crazy without you, Kayla, if you're reading this...
If you aren't Kayla, forget you just read that.
I'll write this weekend sometime. Peace out.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Movie News

I don't know if this is even mainstream yet, but it's true:
Peter Jackson, of The Lord of the Rings and soon King Kong fame is producing a movie based off of the video game Halo. I'm a fan of Jackson, and I've only played Halo a few times, but this is big news.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Ups and Downs.

Quick post, since yesterday's was so long.
A few weeks ago, my bike lock was dented (by someone presumably trying to steal it) and was not able to open. I left it there until i could figure out how to get that one off and put the new one that i bought on.
Apparently, i didn't do it fast enough. When i was waiting for a ride to church, i went over there to check on it, and it was gone.
Yup, someone stole my bike.
I reported it to the police, and entered the serial number into the computer database and all that, so there's still a little bit of hope.
If you could all pray over this, that would be great. Thanks.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Manly Bonding

I'm back, and in a little pain. This weekend was a blast, though.
WE went camping first. It was some farmer's property near a lake that they had gone to last year, so we set up tents and stuff up on a little ridge where the road was. Then we built a fire (bunch of college guys and fire...hmmm) and roasted hot dogs. This all took much longer than normal, because we were also talking and occasionally tackling one another for no good reason. Once it got dark, Matt Podszous, or something like that spelling, led a little talk. Someone else I had never met before gave his testimony, which was good, and then left. We broke up into small groups and prayed for awhile, and then we had the adventure of cooking smores. It was fun, even though i was only really hungry for one. Oh well.
About 4:30am, the wind was HOWLING. It didn't help we were on a ridge, of course. I was afraid the tent me and three other guys were in was gonna fall over. But we survived the night, thankfully. Everyone woke up around 8:30 and we ate "breakfast" which consisted of cheap cake donuts and some cinnamon pastry type things. And Orange Juice. Yummy!
Then we packed up camp and headed to the paintball place. After sitting around for awhile (i don't think anyone really knew what the heck was going on) we got our safety talk, got our masks and guns (which they call "markers") and loaded up. The ref (I didn't know they had refs either) led us way into the forest, and proceded to tell us the rules. You get hit, you call "hit", but your barrel cover on, and hold your gun in the air until you get back to the "safe zone." The first round I got hit right in the goggles. I didn't know what the heck I was doing the first round, so it was a little crazy. After Blue Army (my team) won, then we changed some directions and loaded up. The guns have little hoppers on top where all the paintballs are stored. You pop open the back and pour em in! The second round i played defense so i didn't get hit. The third round, which was capture the flag, was intense. I decided to be a little more adventerous. I was on a hill when a Blue with the flag need some cover fire, cuz he was low on paint. Me and another kid holding the hill went with him, and got pinned down by some guys behind some really good cover. We had squat for cover. I got pelted in the chest and arm 4 times or so, but they didn't break, which hurts even more. He also shot me in the top of the head twice. The second one broke. The fourth round i ran out of ammo. That was dumb. The fifth round was the most fun I had. They had this huge plywood fort thingy, and the Blues were defending it. When i was running over the little bridge to get the fort, i fell flat on my face. That's probably the worst injury i recieved. We held the fort and won the last round!
That about it...lot's of sweating, running, shouting, and wildly spraying an area of moving brush hoping it's a Red, not a Blue.
Exciting, I know.
Now i'm sitting in my room, not wanting to do homework, but just wanting to go to bed for awhile. I might.

Lawrence Weather