Thursday, December 08, 2005

There is something rotten in the state of Kansas...

As you all know, either from the news or from my previous posts, Paul Mirecki (on the left) is under a lot of fire. After private emails were discovered revealing his true intentions for teaching an anti-creationism/intelligent design class (seriously, what other motive could you have), he has withdrawn the class. Earlier this week, Mirecki was attacked by two unnamed men south of Lawrence. He said that they referred to the debate during the beating, which involved fists and a metal object.
So he says.
In the article in the UDK (click here for the full story), it says that he was taking a early morning long drive in the middle of nowhere when the attack happened. First of all, who does that? Whoe really takes a long drive early in the morning to nowhere? Moving on, he said that a pickup was tailgating him, so he pulled over. Sure. Sounds reasonable, right? I would pull over if a car was tailing me. But then, he gets out of the car. When a truck that was tailing you pulls over at the same time, you get the heck out of there fast. You don't stick around to see what the angry men want. The two men, described as two white men between the ages of 30 and 40, then proceeded to beat him, referring to the debate over the anti-creationism/intelligent design class during the attack.
This just seems fishy to me. Why would you pull over and then get out of your car? Of course, he has refused any comment. I just don't get why he would go through all the controversy and then refuse to explain yourself.
Anyways, that brings me to the latest update. If you read my mom's comment on my last post, Mirecki has resigned as the head of the religious studies department. (Click here for the full Kansan article.) First off, thank God. We do not need an atheist running the religious studies department. Also, it seems kinda like he just quit early. He has been with the University since 1989 and then suddenly resigns after two weeks of albeit, pretty harsh, controversy? Presidents have stayed in office for longer than that after controversy 10 times as bad. He also stated that faculty recommended he step down. Did they know something we didn't? Here's another interesting tidbit from the Kansan article:
"Andrew Stangl, president of the Society of Open-Minded Atheists and Agnostics, the 121-person student group for which Mirecki serves as faculty adviser, said Mirecki told him on Tuesday that he would step down as department chairman."

Hmmm......I leave the floor open now to any rebuttels my readers (ha) have. I'm just saying, there's something very fishy about all this.

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