Monday, August 28, 2006

New blog!

Yes, that's right, I have two now. This will be my primary personal blog, relating events happening to me and stories and whatnot. My other blog, just started today, is called "The Optometrist." Why the funky title? It will be my goal to help readers better see the world. I will take news stories from the world and then comment on them. Simple enough.
Well, tell me what you think, and be sure to Comment!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

New linxx and KS update

If you look over on the right-hand bar, the one that says something about "hot linxx," you'll notice two new ones; one for Christ Community Church (CCC) here in Lawrence and one for Hutch E-Free in Hutchinson. If you want to know more about my beliefs (you could just ask me) or about the churches I attend, click away.
Now for the update. Not much is happening here, besides the weather. I think it's been raining for about a day straight, and shows no signs of stopping. I'm sorry to all those who live in Seattle. I can only imagine. I played my guitar for worship today at CCC for the first time this year. Felt good to be back in the saddle, as it were. And I got some free Dunn Brothers coffee from the worship pastor. And a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit. Yum Yum.

That's about it from the great state of Kansas. Be sure to check out the new linxx and leave plenty of comments!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Photo #18

Buffalo in the trees at Yellowstone.
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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Photo #17

Crazy contrasts in Yellowstone.
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Photo #16

A river near an entrance to Yellowstone National Park.
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Welcome New Readers!

As if (a college networking site; think a more sophisicated myspace) didn't provide enough connectivity, now my blog will be published on my facebook profile! Those not in college or high school will continue to have to read my blog here, but those on facebook will be able to read all about me in one place! Exciting, isn't it?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Summer Addendum/First Week Back/One Year Blogaversary

There's one thing I forgot to add to my post about the summer that I must add at the request of my mother. When we were shopping in Bozeman, my sister and my mom saw some guy shaking hands with some other guy saying "Nice to meet you!" or something like that. They both thought that was kinda weird, but then the guy turned around and said "I just met the Fonz!" Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my mother and sister met the man who met the Fonz, aka Henry Winkler. My sister tried to get a picture of him, and ended up getting the back of his head.
Oh well.
I've had "one week" here at KU. Classes started on Thursday, and I've had four out of five of my classes. I had just Math 111 (probability and statistics) on Thursday, and Russian 212 (a continuation of last year), Geology 101 (yup, that's what it is), and Psychology 104 (yup, that's what that is, too). So far, so good. I have Journalism 301, a continuation of my hopefully increasing number of journalism courses. Since that is my major and everything.

And now for a big annoucement...MY BLOG IS ONE YEAR OLD!
Yes, one year ago today, I started "Life as a Jayhawk" to keep my homies apprised of any breaking details. Let's have a look back, shall we?
On Friday, August 19th, 2005, I wrote:
"Two days of classes done. Russian looks fun...except for the annoying TA. She doesn't really know what she's doing...she just kinda wings it it seems like. She goes way to fast when teaching us pronouncation, but we catch up. J-101 seems fun; the prof is a goofball. Yay! Speech looks's a grad student so he's pretty laid back so far. English looks just like A.P. English except with a lot fewer papers.
How are things on the social end? Non-existant. I haven't really done anything with anybody yet. I'm hoping the Navs thing on Sunday will solve that.
That's all for now."
Ah, to be a freshman. No wait. That's not nostalgic. I didn't like KU for a while. Nevermind.
Anyways, Happy Birthday Blog!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Summer Summary

Catchy, isn't it? Well, it has been a great summer. I got to make a lot of money at 3M (wheee) and have fun times with my friends and family.
Last week my family and I were in Montana on our family vacation. (The pictures are up on my photobucket account, you can find the link on the right side of your screen.) It was basically like Colorado, except not. That's really the only way I can explain it, unfortunately. We rented a cabin halfway between Bozeman and Big Sky in the Gallatin National Forest. It was great fun. We did some hiking, some whitewater rafting (Megan fell out once...oops!), some shopping, and even some horseback riding. I took probably around 200 pictures there, so I was pretty busy with that. While we were there, I read the combined effort of Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti, House, in less than 9 hours. Yes, it's that good.
After we got back on Saturday, it was super-fast-packing-time for me, since I left two days later. I packed for a while that night, went to Kayla's house for awhile, and packed some more. On Sunday, my youth group went to ValleyFair, an amusement park in Shakopee, Minnesota. It was loads of fun, except for the whole getting really wet on water rides thing. That, not so much.
And most importantly, behind getting to spend a whole day with Kayla (YAY!), we recieved a new motto in life: "Don't Poke The Bear."
Explanation: We rode one of the old wooden rollercoasters there called "Excalibur." It was kind of out of the way, in the back of the park, so not many people were there. The operator who has to give that mundane safety talk (arms and legs inside at all times, etc.) decided to be a little more wacky with his speech. This is a quote from Kayla's facebook profile:
"Will the next victims please step forward, fasten your seatbelts and pull down your lap bar. If you don't have a lap bar, that's to bad. Just hang on tight. There will be absolutely no laughing, screaming or having fun on this ride. If you do, you might wake the bear. If you do wake the bear, we ask that you do not feed the bear, do not poke the bear, and do not look directly at the bear. If the bear begins to charge, we suggest that you stop, drop, and roll."
Yeah. Don't Poke The Bear!!!

Monday, August 14, 2006


That's all this is. After a great end of the summer and a great week in Montana with my folks, I'm finally back (yay?) in Lawrence for my Sophomore year here at KU. Tomorrow I'll be regaling you all with vacation stories, explaining why we all should not poke the bear, and what I left behind in Hutch.
Tune in tomorrow!

Lawrence Weather