Sunday, August 27, 2006

New linxx and KS update

If you look over on the right-hand bar, the one that says something about "hot linxx," you'll notice two new ones; one for Christ Community Church (CCC) here in Lawrence and one for Hutch E-Free in Hutchinson. If you want to know more about my beliefs (you could just ask me) or about the churches I attend, click away.
Now for the update. Not much is happening here, besides the weather. I think it's been raining for about a day straight, and shows no signs of stopping. I'm sorry to all those who live in Seattle. I can only imagine. I played my guitar for worship today at CCC for the first time this year. Felt good to be back in the saddle, as it were. And I got some free Dunn Brothers coffee from the worship pastor. And a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit. Yum Yum.

That's about it from the great state of Kansas. Be sure to check out the new linxx and leave plenty of comments!

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