Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Work Blog

Yes, that's about all I've been doing this summer so far. I'm actually writing this post while on breaks at 3M.

For those of you not in the know (the tens of people who probably read this), I am interning at the Hutchinson Leader for the first four weeks from 8am until noon. I have a week left on that. It has been an awesome experience. I'm working for a real life newpaper! Sure, my workload may be somewhat lesser than the other reporters there, but I still do a buncha stuff. I've proofread, ran errands, snapped hundreds of pics (a lot of which will be up here when my computer's back in commission, see below*), and of course written a buncha stories. I'll post those all up here when I'm done there, too. This has really taught me what it's like to work for a real paper (writing 3 opinion articles really doesn't count that much), and it'll look great on the resume.

On the not so much fun end of things, I'm also working fulltime at the 3M plant here (for those 2 of you who have been living in a cave, 3M makes Scotch tape, Post-its, etc.) from 3pm until 11pm. For some reason, they call that the "afternoon" shift, but it basically eats up your entire life.
At least I still have Saturdays.
I'll describe what I do in tomorrow's post.

*Computer Note: A week before finals were done, I accidentally downloaded a virus which promptly froze my computer and didn't let it boot. I sat on it for a week (figurtively, not literally), and then brought it home and promptly did nothing. Work, you see, kills time like no other. Finally, at the beginning of this week (it seems oh so very long ago...), I took it to a business computer place here in town. They worked on it a few days and then called me last night to let me know they were having troubles burning the 30 GIGABITES of data to DVDs. Allow me to explain. I have 10 gigs of music, yes. But not 20 gigs of Word documents and pictures. That is an exhorbitant amount. I had put about 15-20 gigs worth of movies onto my hard drive to put on my iPod, and forgot to tell the guys to disregard them. Oops. So I went to Target today, bought a 320gig hard drive, and dropped it off at the place. Hopefully, I will have a blank computer tomorrow, so I reinstall the OS, scoot all my documents and pics over to my laptop, and be back in action!
Also, we now have WiFi in our house, so I can BLOG FROM MY BEDROOM!

Well, I have about 10 minutes left in this break. Then it's back to work for another hour, then it's TV for 30-40 minutes, then it's sleep till 7am.

Thank God I don't really have a social life.

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