Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Story of The Temp, Mr. Guy Who Talks Like Dan Akroyd, Mr. Oops, and Mr. Mumbles

Well....this isn't really going to be an actual STORY. Sorry. Those are just the people that I've spent a majority of the summer with at 3M. Since I haven't written in the ol' blog lately, I thought I'd liven things up a bit with a different kind of post.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm The Temp. I'm one of 4 in my area of 3M (HPT Converting for those 2.5 of you who speak 3Mese), and we basically get the shaft while on our short stays here. Oh well. We do need money, right? Anyways, I'm going to be done being The Temp on the 10th, which means (hopefully) eight more days of work, counting this one. Whew.

Now on to the other characters. Mr. Guy Who Talks Like Dan Akroyd (let's call him Mr. Gwtlda) is somehow the self-appointed leader of the bunch. And seriously, he sounds almost exactly like Dan Akroyd in The Blues Brothers.
"You want I should clean the dead bugs off your windshield?"

Mr. Oops is the nicest of the bunch. He has a daughter that just graduated, and he works really hard, but sometimes he just makes mistakes that make ya wonder where his mind was. Mr. Gwtlda gets very angry at Mr. Oops sometimes.

Mr. Mumbles is my favorite to work with. He doesn't get all pissy like Mr. Gwtlda, and he doesn't make big mistakes like Mr. Oops. He's been here for something like 17 years, knows exactly what he's doing, and is pleasant to talk to when he isn't being a creepy old pervert (Mr. Mumbles and Mr. Gwtlda share this affinty). The only problem is that about 50% of the time, I have no clue what the heck he's saying. Oh well. He thinks he's funny.

And there you have it. Of course, we have many supporting characters, like Creepy Old Ladies 1-7, Mrs. Extremely Loud Cackle, Sarge the Supervisor, and the list continues. I will definitely (read=not definitely) miss it here.
The money has been good, and will be good, considering I'll be driving in Lawrence this school year, and gas tends to cost money.
Unless you've got extra arms and legs to give to the employees at Holiday. I don't know if they actually take them, though.
Might be something to try later...*strokes chin*


Anonymous said...

Thanks for finally posting to your blog. Please keep it up. Your Dad really like to read your stuff.

Cptn Obvious

Anonymous said...

Sounds like quite a group of people you work with. All men all summer and harly any females? Too bad for you my man. I didn't know that the place where they make tape only hires men. It sounds like this story of yours needs to be spiced up a bit by adding some ladies. I am expecting more to be added on...

I realize I don't actually know you, but I decided to comment anyway because this was interesting and I was a jayhawk. I will be checking back for that add on.

Caleb Sommerville said...

Well, those guys are all the guys that I work with on my machine, the sheeter (or SH-1). I really don't know anybody else in my department that well.

Lawrence Weather