Monday, September 10, 2007

One Free Night A Week.

Hence the lack of blog posts. Monday I lead a Bible Study, Tuesday I have leadership team for Navs, Wednesday I have music practice for Nav Night, Thursday I have Nav Night, and Friday night I am free (hear that, ladies? Hehe). That....and I really haven't made time for it.
*Ashamed Face*
Life has been going good here at KU. It's much easier to get into the swing of things once you've already done it twice. Classes are going good for the most part. My Western Civ class is a LOT of reading (including some wonderful *snore* Plato), but kinda interesting. My Political Theory class....well....let's just say that no other human should have to take a class from this goofball. He's a big fancy-schmancy pants from Rutgers who's "used to 90 minute classes" and "can't repeat sentences. I don't have a replay button." He thinks he's all that and a can of worms, so when he lectures, it's just a bunch of big words and ramblings to make himself sound smart. He actually lectures straight out of the text (with a few pointless long ramblings), so I know what he's trying to talk about. He actually used the word pejorative about 4 times the first class period. My photojournalism class is going really well. The prof is the photo editor at the KC Star, so he really knows his stuff. He's funny, he's informative, and he actually helps all of us figure out our cameras. For instance, he taught us how to take pictures in Manual with no flash, just by adjusting the aperture and shutter speed according to what the light meter says. If that made sense to you, mad props. If it didn't, don't worry. It didn't until two weeks ago for me. My child psych class is really interesting, and I am looking forward to learning lotsa stuff to help me parent, if/when that ever happens. I also get to sit next to a girl from Navs who's a lot of fun to talk to during class. She already took a developmental psych class last year, so she usually spends the time studying for other classes. She's fun, though. I'm also taking an editing class that has so far been a bunch of practice. Which is good, because I can already see a difference in my editing capabilities.
Aside from classes and my full night schedule....hmmm. My roommates and I all pitched in 5 bucks a month and got Netflix, which has been a lot of fun. We all have a list of movies that we've never seen and want to, and now we can! For a heckuva lot cheaper than Hasting's or Blockbuster.
I've done worship once so far at Christ Community, and it was Maggie's inaugural worship experience there. She did well. I'm up next week, too.
And now, as I am sitting in the Budig computer lab listening to "Live and Let Die" by Paul McCartney and the Wings, sipping my Full Throttle Unnecessarily Large Energy Drink, I must leave again. Western Civ beckons to me from Wescoe 3140. Weee.

Here's a great video of one my new favorite artists, Damien Rice. The song is called "Volcano."

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