Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Profession

Here we are, as my dad likes to say. I have a few weeks left in this, my final fall semester of school.
I've posted the entirety of my blog posts up until today, and I'll post the last few as I write them.
I've learned a lot through this blog. I've learned that people won't like you if you're vocal. I comment quite a bit throughout the site, people regularly attack me and other columnists for their ideas.
(That's different from this, which is a bunch of people rightly attacking an idiot columnist for having no point to his column, and the columnist thinking he's all that.)
I think I've chosen the right profession, since God has guided me thus far, but good night is it going to be an experience. As I look back on my four years here, and long for the 300-level days of writing 4 articles per semester instead of 4 per week, I realize that the Journalism school's purpose is to thicken your skin.
After taking minor hits from professors, I got used to the idea that I was going to be criticized for the rest of my life.
And now, after working for two papers, writing a blog, criticizing other people's work (hopefully) civily, I know I can take it.
Thanks be to God for getting me ready.
Now I just have to find a job to practice it in. Anyone have any offers?

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