Hello all. Just thought i should put up a new post before i head out. The Navigators are hosting a camping/paintball trip this weekend, and I am venturing to get myself brused and broken in the name of manly bonding.
Acutally, i have no idea if i will be bruised or broken. I've never been paintballing before. Should be fun!
Nothin else really to report...went to a meeting this morning about last friday. Basically, the guy (head of the hall or something like that, never did catch the full title) knew i didn't do anything wrong, but still outlined the toaster and the smoking and that lovely stuff. It was good to get to see the inner workings of the dorm, but at the expense of COMS130. Darn.
Well..i will most certainly be updating Saturday night to tell you all of my adventures.
Da svedanya!(Goodbye, phonitically, in Russian)
Friday, September 30, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
..because I can't think of a good title this early. Well, here's an update on the fabulous and exctiing life of me:
Got a "mini care package" from my dear mother with candy and command strips in it (yummy) and an envelope of Calvin and Hobbes (they are running that in the Star Tribune again). My parents know me so well.
I gave blood yesterday. That wasn't so bad. It wasn't Red Cross doing it, so it was a little different, but still ookeydoky(mom).
I also got a lovely letter yesterday to send me to an "Administrative Heariing" over the "incident" last Friday. I also have to skip half of my COMS class, thanks to Mr. Smartypants.
Oh well. At least it will be over then.
I really don't have anything more to say...keep readin' and keep LEAVING COMMENTS!
Got a "mini care package" from my dear mother with candy and command strips in it (yummy) and an envelope of Calvin and Hobbes (they are running that in the Star Tribune again). My parents know me so well.
I gave blood yesterday. That wasn't so bad. It wasn't Red Cross doing it, so it was a little different, but still ookeydoky(mom).
I also got a lovely letter yesterday to send me to an "Administrative Heariing" over the "incident" last Friday. I also have to skip half of my COMS class, thanks to Mr. Smartypants.
Oh well. At least it will be over then.
I really don't have anything more to say...keep readin' and keep LEAVING COMMENTS!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Ahhh, Fridays....?
Started out normalish. It was raining pretty hard, and I got soaked coming home from COMS130, in which i did not have to deliver a speech i had stayed up until 11:30 preparing for. Oh well. Came home, went to Russian, which was fine. Went to English, and we did a writing assignment for which i got done early, and left class around 2:10 or shortly thereafter. I called Mom as i always do after English, and talked all the way home. Got on my floor, and as i got closer to my room, i realized the smoke alarm was going off. Justin (my roommate) was getting a little flustered trying to shut it off.
He said someone had been taking a shower for like 45 minutes (i now realize that was all a joke) and the steam set it off. The Front desk guy came up, left, came back a little later with a cop.
When i first walked in the room, i thought i smelled something burning. I asked Justin about it, and he got a little nervous.
Turns out, after the cop, two fireman, the desk manager, and the head janitor got here, he was trying to smoke in here.
He got written up for trying to smoke (and trying to cover it up with the shower crap and cologne up the wazoo) and having a toaster in the dorms.
Moron. Moron. Moron.
What a day.
He said someone had been taking a shower for like 45 minutes (i now realize that was all a joke) and the steam set it off. The Front desk guy came up, left, came back a little later with a cop.
When i first walked in the room, i thought i smelled something burning. I asked Justin about it, and he got a little nervous.
Turns out, after the cop, two fireman, the desk manager, and the head janitor got here, he was trying to smoke in here.
He got written up for trying to smoke (and trying to cover it up with the shower crap and cologne up the wazoo) and having a toaster in the dorms.
Moron. Moron. Moron.
What a day.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
New post! New post! New post!
I know you're all very excited. Too bad i don't have very many things to update you all on...but i'll try to make it interesting.
I went to see "Madagascar" last night at the Union. (Lemur Raves still rock, Kayla!) It wasn't as good without someone to watch it with *cough* but i still had a great time. There was only one weird expierence on the way home, however. I was taking my normal route behind Wescoe, and decided to sit for awhile on the hill that overlooked a little bit of the city. I got all of three minutes to relax when some crazy drunk guy started screaming and yelling at the top of his lungs. I didn't know exactly where he was, but i decided that it would be a good time to leave. His screams were echoing off the surrounding buildings, so it made it a little creepier. Other than that, no weird expierences.
*collective awww through the crowd*
I have given in on another online trap. www.facebook.com is a college website (so those of you who don't have a college email address, you won't be able to see any of the site) and really huge on campuses everywhere. You basically put your picture and info up online and find other people you know and join groups and that kinda stuff. it sounds pretty dumb, but it's actually quite addictive. I started this morning.
Well, i don't think that there's anything else to write about, but i'm sure the opportunity will present itself.
PS. www.fbtb.net has pictures of the new A-wing set up. It's awesome.
I went to see "Madagascar" last night at the Union. (Lemur Raves still rock, Kayla!) It wasn't as good without someone to watch it with *cough* but i still had a great time. There was only one weird expierence on the way home, however. I was taking my normal route behind Wescoe, and decided to sit for awhile on the hill that overlooked a little bit of the city. I got all of three minutes to relax when some crazy drunk guy started screaming and yelling at the top of his lungs. I didn't know exactly where he was, but i decided that it would be a good time to leave. His screams were echoing off the surrounding buildings, so it made it a little creepier. Other than that, no weird expierences.
*collective awww through the crowd*
I have given in on another online trap. www.facebook.com is a college website (so those of you who don't have a college email address, you won't be able to see any of the site) and really huge on campuses everywhere. You basically put your picture and info up online and find other people you know and join groups and that kinda stuff. it sounds pretty dumb, but it's actually quite addictive. I started this morning.
Well, i don't think that there's anything else to write about, but i'm sure the opportunity will present itself.
PS. www.fbtb.net has pictures of the new A-wing set up. It's awesome.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
New Photos Up
I just put a few pictures of an amazing-looking storm we had here last night up on my photobucket.
Link: http://photobucket.com/albums/y282/calebsommerville/
They're pretty darn cool if I do say so myself.
Although those clouds look menacing, we really only got like an inch of rain. Not very much. I dunno.
Link: http://photobucket.com/albums/y282/calebsommerville/
They're pretty darn cool if I do say so myself.
Although those clouds look menacing, we really only got like an inch of rain. Not very much. I dunno.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I went to "Christ Community Church," an E-Free church here in Lawrence, today. It was probably the best church I've visited thus far. The music was excellent (apart from the possibly over-enthusiastic worship leader, but ya know "make a joyful noise unto the Lord" and all that!), and the pastor was phenomanal. He preached on Romans 1:18-32, which is about God's Wrath.
It's not what you think it is. It's not earthquakes, volcanos, or even hurricanes. God's wrath, according to this passage is Him letting us do what we want. Basically, He "removes his hand" and lets us get what's coming to us. He lets us reap our own rewards. Also, in 1:27b, He talks about men commiting lustful acts with other men, and how that's destestable to the Lord. Hey, smartypants who say that God never says anything against Homosexuals? READ THE BIBLE. Romans 1:27. There ya go.
I went here with my mom and her friend, the pastor's wife back in Hutch. It was a lot of fun to be with family again, even if it was only one member. We had a great time. We went to Chili's for dinner yesterday, IHOP for breakfast today (slowest service EVER; along with the phantom pumpkin/chocolate pancakes, ask my mom) and Cici's Pizza for lunch. All very good, all very free for me. Thanks, Mom!! She brought me a lot of goodies like root beer and Jones Green Apple pop, which is delicious. It was a lot of fun to hang out with her this weekend, even if it was less than 24 hours. Next time, they're staying longer. You hear that guys? LONGER.
Remember, I like comments!!!
It's not what you think it is. It's not earthquakes, volcanos, or even hurricanes. God's wrath, according to this passage is Him letting us do what we want. Basically, He "removes his hand" and lets us get what's coming to us. He lets us reap our own rewards. Also, in 1:27b, He talks about men commiting lustful acts with other men, and how that's destestable to the Lord. Hey, smartypants who say that God never says anything against Homosexuals? READ THE BIBLE. Romans 1:27. There ya go.
I went here with my mom and her friend, the pastor's wife back in Hutch. It was a lot of fun to be with family again, even if it was only one member. We had a great time. We went to Chili's for dinner yesterday, IHOP for breakfast today (slowest service EVER; along with the phantom pumpkin/chocolate pancakes, ask my mom) and Cici's Pizza for lunch. All very good, all very free for me. Thanks, Mom!! She brought me a lot of goodies like root beer and Jones Green Apple pop, which is delicious. It was a lot of fun to hang out with her this weekend, even if it was less than 24 hours. Next time, they're staying longer. You hear that guys? LONGER.
Remember, I like comments!!!
Friday, September 09, 2005
I really couldn't think of a better title than that. I went to the union tonight to see "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Wow. Whoever thought up all that stuff had quite an overactive imagination. Some of the theogly stuff was a little off, but otherwise it was a very good movie. They decided to start it at 7:00, instead of 7:30 like it says on the schedule, but I don't think I missed a whole lot.
But that's not the expierence I was talking about. It got done around 9:00, so it was dark. The union is about a half-an-hour's walk from Templin (my dorm). It was eeire. There were other people walking around, but it's nothing like walking behind Wescoe during the day with 300 people in your line of sight whatever way you look. It was very still. Not quiet; the bugs saw to that. But still. The buildings looked almost omnious. I tried to go in Anschutz Library, but it closes on Friday at 8. Oh well.
Then I really needed to go to the bathroom. (Sorry you had to hear that, but it's pertinant to the story.) Murphy, the music/dance building, was nearby, and I figured it would be open. It took me awhile to find the darn's Men's room (apparently they don't think that putting the two varieties of restrooms next to each other is a good idea). When I was searching, I came across a door marked "Organ and Church mUsic" or something like that, and someone was playing the organ inside. I stood there for a couple minutes listening, but then thought that I didn't want to get arrested for being suspicious, so I did my business and left. Around the Burge Union (a mini-union near my dorm) the third interesting thing happened: I saw a skunk waddling around in the grass. It took awhile to register, because skunks aren't things one usually sees wandering about every day. I then decided to leave, because it saw me. No need for explanations there.
Well, that's my story of my weird night here at KU. Hope it wasn't too boring or anything...just felt it was a farcry from anything else I've been posting here.
Remember, leave comments!
But that's not the expierence I was talking about. It got done around 9:00, so it was dark. The union is about a half-an-hour's walk from Templin (my dorm). It was eeire. There were other people walking around, but it's nothing like walking behind Wescoe during the day with 300 people in your line of sight whatever way you look. It was very still. Not quiet; the bugs saw to that. But still. The buildings looked almost omnious. I tried to go in Anschutz Library, but it closes on Friday at 8. Oh well.
Then I really needed to go to the bathroom. (Sorry you had to hear that, but it's pertinant to the story.) Murphy, the music/dance building, was nearby, and I figured it would be open. It took me awhile to find the darn's Men's room (apparently they don't think that putting the two varieties of restrooms next to each other is a good idea). When I was searching, I came across a door marked "Organ and Church mUsic" or something like that, and someone was playing the organ inside. I stood there for a couple minutes listening, but then thought that I didn't want to get arrested for being suspicious, so I did my business and left. Around the Burge Union (a mini-union near my dorm) the third interesting thing happened: I saw a skunk waddling around in the grass. It took awhile to register, because skunks aren't things one usually sees wandering about every day. I then decided to leave, because it saw me. No need for explanations there.
Well, that's my story of my weird night here at KU. Hope it wasn't too boring or anything...just felt it was a farcry from anything else I've been posting here.
Remember, leave comments!
Creative Charity

It should be the first news story up. If anyone's interested, great, but I though i'd just post it because it's cool.
See? Legos are beneficial at older ages!
*If you don't already know, i have always, and still do, love Legos. Hope you enjoy that cartoon, too.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Snore Week, Excitement Weekend!
This week, with the exception of an exhauting Monday, has been quite uneventful. I'm doing Russian homework right now (kind of...i don't have eighteen hands. Although, that would be nice. I could be doing so much stuff! Like eating, typing, writing....okay, that's enough.), and thankful for the upcoming weekend. My favorite mother in the world, my mother (duh) is coming down to Kansas City for a Beth Moore conference. Since Lawrence is only 45 or 30 minutes away or something that changes depending on who you ask, she's gonna come visit me. That means that tomorrow, I'm gonna be cleaning my room.
Hear that mom? MY ROOM WILL BE CLEAN.
At least my stuff. No idea if my roommate knows what the word "orderly" means.
Hopefully this visit will tide me over until October, when my whole family is coming down to see their dead son.*
Well that's all the news that's fit to print.
*Dead Son Story: When I was getting ready to move down here, my parents and sister, and other people for that matter, would say things like "this is your last day ever at this school" and "this is the last time you'll get to sleep in your room" so my sister decided that all those "final" statements meant i was going to die come August 11th. Obviously, i didn't die. But, the joke is still funny, right guys?
Hear that mom? MY ROOM WILL BE CLEAN.
At least my stuff. No idea if my roommate knows what the word "orderly" means.
Hopefully this visit will tide me over until October, when my whole family is coming down to see their dead son.*
Well that's all the news that's fit to print.
*Dead Son Story: When I was getting ready to move down here, my parents and sister, and other people for that matter, would say things like "this is your last day ever at this school" and "this is the last time you'll get to sleep in your room" so my sister decided that all those "final" statements meant i was going to die come August 11th. Obviously, i didn't die. But, the joke is still funny, right guys?
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
Another Trek
On account of some rather persitant persuasion from my parents and sister, I decided to go somewhere and do something, as they said. I went to Massacusetts Street, most of the time called Mass St. here, to get my haircut and go the the local Borders. I also stopped by the Cold Stone Creamery because it was quite hot. Now my feet hurt. A lot. I ave no idea how i got there, or how i got back. I found where it was by MapQuest, but i decided to take the short way. That just involved a lot of back streets. I didn't get lost or anything. Anyways, i got my haircut for 5 bucks and then went to Borders for awhile. Fun fun fun. I don't think i want to walk anywhere for awhile now.
Well, that's my exciting Labor Day! I most certainly did some labor. Probably walked off that pizza i had for lunch.
Well, that's my exciting Labor Day! I most certainly did some labor. Probably walked off that pizza i had for lunch.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Public Service Annoucement #1
It has been brought to my attention that my blog is sounding rather downtrodden the past few days. Or weeks. I was told not to be an Eeyore, so I will have to work on that. I wouldn't want to make the 4 people who actually read this sad.
Stefan, the guy I know from Columbia, MO right before we moved to Singapore, has gone home for the weekend. He has been a true gift from God. We both have some of the same interests (like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, CS Lewis, etc.), so that makes life here more bearable. I hardly see my roommate anymore, so I guess that's an upside, isn't it? Let's see....what else...
I have a great support team back home, and even all over the world. I want to thank everyone in Hutch for praying for me and ask them to continue your prayers. I know that a lot of you back home don't even know I have a blog (so get the word around, people!), but I thank you all the same.
I watched Back to the Future III today...watched the first two yesterday. Those are great films, you know? I love the DeLorean.
That was my latest purchase at Best Buy. Next on my list is "The Blues Brothers." I didn't want to spend 40 bucks all at once, so I forwent(no idea if that's a word) the purchase of that for a later date.
Well, as the Times says, that's "all the news that's fit to print." Except...this isn't news...or printed....and I don't even think it's fit.
Stefan, the guy I know from Columbia, MO right before we moved to Singapore, has gone home for the weekend. He has been a true gift from God. We both have some of the same interests (like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, CS Lewis, etc.), so that makes life here more bearable. I hardly see my roommate anymore, so I guess that's an upside, isn't it? Let's see....what else...
I have a great support team back home, and even all over the world. I want to thank everyone in Hutch for praying for me and ask them to continue your prayers. I know that a lot of you back home don't even know I have a blog (so get the word around, people!), but I thank you all the same.
I watched Back to the Future III today...watched the first two yesterday. Those are great films, you know? I love the DeLorean.
That was my latest purchase at Best Buy. Next on my list is "The Blues Brothers." I didn't want to spend 40 bucks all at once, so I forwent(no idea if that's a word) the purchase of that for a later date.
Well, as the Times says, that's "all the news that's fit to print." Except...this isn't news...or printed....and I don't even think it's fit.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Is it normal for TA's to be arrogant, annoying, uniformed and dumb? If so, then one of my Journalism 101 TAs fits the bill. We talk about current events at the beginning of class and the two TAs always lead the "discussion." She's a real pain in the neck. Someone will say something, and she'll say "well, don't you think..." if she doesn't agree with it, which is most of the time.
Alright. I'm done ranting.
Well, a long weekend is coming up, and I have no idea what to do. I'm thinking movies. Or maybe haircut (don't get too excited, mom).
But I should really get to studying. I have a russian quiz/test/she-never-really-said-what-it-was tomorrow, and some introductory speech for COMS 130.
I love public speaking.
Alright. I'm done ranting.
Well, a long weekend is coming up, and I have no idea what to do. I'm thinking movies. Or maybe haircut (don't get too excited, mom).
But I should really get to studying. I have a russian quiz/test/she-never-really-said-what-it-was tomorrow, and some introductory speech for COMS 130.
I love public speaking.
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