Friday, September 23, 2005

Ahhh, Fridays....?

Started out normalish. It was raining pretty hard, and I got soaked coming home from COMS130, in which i did not have to deliver a speech i had stayed up until 11:30 preparing for. Oh well. Came home, went to Russian, which was fine. Went to English, and we did a writing assignment for which i got done early, and left class around 2:10 or shortly thereafter. I called Mom as i always do after English, and talked all the way home. Got on my floor, and as i got closer to my room, i realized the smoke alarm was going off. Justin (my roommate) was getting a little flustered trying to shut it off.
He said someone had been taking a shower for like 45 minutes (i now realize that was all a joke) and the steam set it off. The Front desk guy came up, left, came back a little later with a cop.
When i first walked in the room, i thought i smelled something burning. I asked Justin about it, and he got a little nervous.
Turns out, after the cop, two fireman, the desk manager, and the head janitor got here, he was trying to smoke in here.
He got written up for trying to smoke (and trying to cover it up with the shower crap and cologne up the wazoo) and having a toaster in the dorms.
Moron. Moron. Moron.
What a day.

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