Sunday, September 04, 2005

Public Service Annoucement #1

It has been brought to my attention that my blog is sounding rather downtrodden the past few days. Or weeks. I was told not to be an Eeyore, so I will have to work on that. I wouldn't want to make the 4 people who actually read this sad.
Stefan, the guy I know from Columbia, MO right before we moved to Singapore, has gone home for the weekend. He has been a true gift from God. We both have some of the same interests (like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, CS Lewis, etc.), so that makes life here more bearable. I hardly see my roommate anymore, so I guess that's an upside, isn't it? Let's see....what else...
I have a great support team back home, and even all over the world. I want to thank everyone in Hutch for praying for me and ask them to continue your prayers. I know that a lot of you back home don't even know I have a blog (so get the word around, people!), but I thank you all the same.
I watched Back to the Future III today...watched the first two yesterday. Those are great films, you know? I love the DeLorean.
That was my latest purchase at Best Buy. Next on my list is "The Blues Brothers." I didn't want to spend 40 bucks all at once, so I forwent(no idea if that's a word) the purchase of that for a later date.
Well, as the Times says, that's "all the news that's fit to print." Except...this isn't news...or printed....and I don't even think it's fit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure who the 4 people who read it are but wanted to let you know John, Hannah and myself check it out at least weekly. Hang in there! Find good fellowship and the friendships will come.
WE are praying for you! Even tonight.
Love ya Bub

Lawrence Weather