Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Photo #2

The Main Hallway of HHS
 Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 27, 2006

New Feature! Photo#1

Starting today, I'm starting a new feature on my blog. I will be putting up pictures of the places I've been for you all to enjoy.

This is some foothills on the way to Steamboat Colorado. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 24, 2006

Upcoming Trips

The Navigators are doing several trips in the coming weeks. This weekend they are having a leadership confrence in Manhatten, Kansas (which I am unable to go to due to worship team practice), next weekend is the "ManMaker" trip which I hopefully will be able to attend. And, during Spring Break, they are taking a big trip down to New Orleans (but I will be having fun in Texas with my family!). This is a lot of stuff going on all at once, so just keep the leaders in your prayers.
In other news, there's not much. It's been getting warmer, so that's good I guess. I am playing with the worship team this Sunday, and that's fun.
Tomorrow, KU is playing Texas! This is the "big game." Freshman like Brandon Rush and Julian Wright will get their first taste of what pressure really is. Rock Chalk!
Other than that, there's not much excitement here.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Weird Brain

Yes, I know, that's a shocker. My brain really is weird. Anyways, here's the reason why:
I was reading over the passage for Bible Study tonight and for some strange reason started thinking about the word "again." Again. Again...a-gain. "A" is a prefix in the English language meaning without. Gain, of course, is to aquire something new. So, "again" would be without gain! Think about it...if you're saying something "again," you're not really adding any knowledge to anyone, because they already all know it! Of course, this theory isn't perfect, but I thought it was interesting.
Yup, that's just the way my head works.

Happy Birthday Meggy!

Yes, that's right! My little sister is now 16 years old. I am sadly unable to be there for the first time ever...so this post and a phone call will have to suffice. And her present, which she will just have to find out for herself.
Well, go ahead and leave your birthday wishes on here, and I'll be sure she get's them.
And now, a photographic tribute.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Jayhawks CRUSH Tigers!!

Woohoo! Today was the day of the "Border Dispute." The Jayhawks played the Missouri Tigers, and crushed 'em 79-46. Click here for a video about it, but make sure you have RealPlayer installed first. Overall, it was a very exciting game. We just didn't let them do anything! In the second half, the Tigers had streaks of 10 minutes or more where they didn't score at all. This rivalry is right up there with the standard Kansas/Kansas State one.
In other news, it's FREEZING here. Last night it got down to around nothing. Right now it's 16, but it's Kansas, and we also get wind. It's quite chilly.
Short post today.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

That's Amore...

Another Valentine's Day has come and go. It seems when the one person you wish was there to celebrate it with you is gone, all you see is couples. It didn't help that the Kansan published a big photo spread of a couple hanging around town. Oh well. I did get to talk to Kayla for a while on the phone, and she sent me chocolate, which is always good. We also celebrated our Valentine's Day back in January when I was still in Minnesota.
I still do not have a roommate, of which I'm very pleased. While it can be lonely sometimes, it's still a lot better than what I did have.
It's cold again today. Low 20s and wind in the 20s (mph) as well make for not a fun walk home. At least I'm not sweating.
Well...nothing else really exciting going on around here.
FX, which normally isn't that great of a cable channel, is going to air a very interesting series starting on March 8th. "Black.White" is exactly what it sounds like. Black people will get makeup to be white, and white people get makeup to be black. Not only just good television, it also serves as a real world social experiment to see how far we've really gotten as a society in the area of civil rights. I will be looking forward to it.
Leave Comments!!!

Monday, February 13, 2006

A Sad Day

Last night something weird happened. There was a commotion at Templin. Known around campus as the "boring" dorm, which I acutally prefer to drunk crazy people running up and down the halls, it certainly was a little more interesting. There was a 2 police cars, a fire truck, the fire chief's truck, and an ambulance outside in the parking lot a little after 9, I think it was. Anyways, a bunch of guys from my floor were trying to figure out what was going on, and eventually someone found out, through the magic of cell phones, that someone had had a seizure on the 5th floor. I thought nothing of it, and went back to my room.
This morning, I read the Kansan. Apparantly, it was a fatal seizure. Andrew Rotman died at Lawrence Memorial Hospital.
Keep his family in your prayers.
To read the official press release from the university, click here.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Let the Games begin...

The Olympics are in full swing! I watched the opening ceremonies, and I enjoyed most of it. Pavoratti(sp?) was amazing, the F1 car doing donuts in the middle of the stadium was awesome, and the incredible amount of pyrotechnics was cool. The only thing I didn't like was the weird seating of the atheletes (it was supposed to represent the Italian piazza) and the horrible choice of music the atheletes had to walk in to. 80's American pop tunes? The incredibly talented skiers and hockey players from around the world walking into the the stadium to YMCA? Time to hire a new event manager, IOC.
Other than that, the Olympics have been quite interesting. Shaun White recently took Gold for the snowboard halfpipe after screwing up his first run, and Michelle Kwan dropped out of the Games completely due to a groin injury. Very interesting indeed.
Other than that, life goes on much as it has this past age. It actually snowed yesterday, which confounded me. When I returned to Kansas, I wore shorts!!!! Stupid Kansas weather patterns...or non-patterns. Anyways, not much has been going on. The highlight of the week so far has been the viewing of the excellently horrible original Batman movie. Wow. That's all that will be said about that.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Geek Thoughts

Being the semi-nerd that I am, I thought it would be interesting to explore technology in today's post. As the entire world knows, Apple's main deal these days is the iPod. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, read this first. Anyways, there was an article today on Excite about how other companies like Dell and Rio are slowly dropping out of the market of hard-drive music players. Apple is holding on to it's top spot in the world of mp3 players. For now.

There is something strangely familar about all this, though.

Not that I was alive or anything, but in the mid 80s when personal computers were just getting started, the market behaved a little like the music player market. There were several other small companies working on the computer (the mouse interface was actually designed by Xerox), but Apple was the first to really successfully market and get it's products out in the market. Then Microsoft came along. Everyone knows the story of how nerdy-looking Bill Gates tried to get into the market getting only laughs from the suits at IBM. It did take awhile for Microsoft to get going, but once they got the operating system (DOS, which may or may not have been "borrowed" from elsewhere) , then IBM gave them a chance, and the rest is history. Apple then really went down in the 90s. Then they released the iPod and secured their future. Hmm....it makes one think...who's going to topple Apple? It's happened before, in somewhat the same circumstances. Sure, Microsoft doesn't really need to come out with some new product (the XBOX will secure their future for a while), but it could happen. Or is Apple going to try and come out with some new next-gen gaming console? Only time will tell.
All right, that's enough of the Geekiness. Hopefully it's all out of my system now. Moving on to the local happenings...nothing really has been going on here. I have my first test tomorrow in Russian, which should be okay. Economics continues to be especially dry.
English is the same old same old. We're reading The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which is very well written. East Asian History is a lot of fun. Even though it's mostly lecture and notes, it's still very interesting.
Well, that's all for now...and LEAVE COMMENTS!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Super Snore/ Musings on Society

Wow that was boring. The Super Bowl wasn't that exciting. There were several horrible calls by the refs, the commercials were good few and far between (like the Emerald Nuts one about Eagle-eyed machete enthusists doing something with a short Druid...I dunno), and the halftime show was too short and those Rolling Stones are ancient.
But that's enough complaining. I went to Topeka to watch the game with some friends who live down the hall, so it was still fun. Nothing else really that exciting has been going on here, so this will be a short post. I'm finally over that stupid cold. I still do not have a roommate, which is very nice. That's about it for me...so now onto my muse of the day.
I have been noticing recently the utter fascination with celebrities that our society has. Every time I flip through some really good channel [sic] like VH1 or E! there's something about somebody breaking up with someone else and a home video of somebody else's being released. I know I may sound really strange and totally illogical [sic again] right here, but here's the question that comes to mind:
Are we really that bored/lazy that we need to immerse ourselves in the lives of other people who usually have way too much money? Think about all the things that people who watch and read about all this mundane celebrity crap (Whoa, Britney just bought a latte!) could accomplish if they didn't waste all that time!
All rightey, I'm done. Please leave comments!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Under the Weather and Good News

Sorry about the lack of posts. I've been sick the past few days with a cold/feverish type of thingy. I'm not sure I'm quite over it yet, but I am feeling better. Classes have been all right, and not much has happened in the way of excitement, except of course yesterday. My Russian TA was reaching up to grab the overhead screen and her shoulder dislocated itself. I don't know exactly how it happened, but we did call an ambulance and moved class to another room for the remainder of the class. She was in class today with a sling, but otherwise seems fine. Other than that, nothing really of notice has occured.
The Good News is as follows:
I am now in the J-School! I recieved an email from a journalism advisor saying that i was accepted today. The only thing left is to maintain a 2.5GPA and go to some Orientation later in February. Yahoo! This means that next year I will start to take more journalism specific courses. Hopefully by then I will be working for the Kansan. I look forward to finally concentrating on my writing.
Well, I believe that's about it. Oh, tonight I played my first game of Texas Hold 'Em poker, and I cleaned up (on chips. Not real money.)! I guess beginner's luck is true.
I shall post again soon.

Lawrence Weather