Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Under the Weather and Good News

Sorry about the lack of posts. I've been sick the past few days with a cold/feverish type of thingy. I'm not sure I'm quite over it yet, but I am feeling better. Classes have been all right, and not much has happened in the way of excitement, except of course yesterday. My Russian TA was reaching up to grab the overhead screen and her shoulder dislocated itself. I don't know exactly how it happened, but we did call an ambulance and moved class to another room for the remainder of the class. She was in class today with a sling, but otherwise seems fine. Other than that, nothing really of notice has occured.
The Good News is as follows:
I am now in the J-School! I recieved an email from a journalism advisor saying that i was accepted today. The only thing left is to maintain a 2.5GPA and go to some Orientation later in February. Yahoo! This means that next year I will start to take more journalism specific courses. Hopefully by then I will be working for the Kansan. I look forward to finally concentrating on my writing.
Well, I believe that's about it. Oh, tonight I played my first game of Texas Hold 'Em poker, and I cleaned up (on chips. Not real money.)! I guess beginner's luck is true.
I shall post again soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Caleb - Congratulation!!!! on getting into the J-School. Hooray!

Lawrence Weather