Saturday, February 18, 2006

Jayhawks CRUSH Tigers!!

Woohoo! Today was the day of the "Border Dispute." The Jayhawks played the Missouri Tigers, and crushed 'em 79-46. Click here for a video about it, but make sure you have RealPlayer installed first. Overall, it was a very exciting game. We just didn't let them do anything! In the second half, the Tigers had streaks of 10 minutes or more where they didn't score at all. This rivalry is right up there with the standard Kansas/Kansas State one.
In other news, it's FREEZING here. Last night it got down to around nothing. Right now it's 16, but it's Kansas, and we also get wind. It's quite chilly.
Short post today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No fair!!!! On Friday we had -9 below, but things are lot warmer now. Hey, guess what? Since your going for journalism and I don't know where your e-mail address went, I'll just tell you now. I get to write for Hutch Leader's student page. Yay for me!! Anyways, keep up the great work.

Lawrence Weather