Monday, September 18, 2006

The Black Hole of September

Wow, where does the time go? Sorry about the outage.
Life goes on here in Kansas. I've been posting a lot on my second blog, "The Optometrist." You can find that link over there on the right-hand side of your screen. Stuff's been happening the world that's more exciting than my life, apparently.
I've had two tests so far, one in psychology (easy) and one in russian (hehehe...nervous laugh). I have a test in geology on Wednesday night (Argh!) when I already was going to skip my scheduled Bible study for Navs music practice. Talk about bad timing.
Speaking of geology:
The lecture is fine. Straightforward, easy, notes typed out for you already when you come in. Pretty much the epitome of a slacker class. To fufill the lab requirement, though, I had to take the optional lab which bumped my time in geology up to 5 credit hours. Yuck. The lab is terrible. The T.A. is brand-spanking new to the whole newfangled "teaching" thing and hasn't a clue what he's doing. And he smells like glue. I've identified probably over 30 rocks and minerals in that class so far.
And to what avail? To satisfy my one lab science requirement for the j-school. Argh!
On the other hand, my journalism class is going quite well. The lecture is at 8 in the morning, which puts a damper on things, but the lab is later, and more one-on-one, hands-on style. I haven't gotten to write any hard-hitting investigative pieces yet, but they will come. Hopefully.
Other than classes, life goes as usual. I'm still playing my guitar for Navs and my church, and hopefully will be playing my saxophone for some instrumental thing my church may or may not be doing.
I will get to go home in early November, thanks to the amazing skills of my sister! She recently aquired the lead in the high school version of "Kiss Me, Kate." She's Kate, obviously. My parents are flying me home that weekend on frequent flyer miles (thank you, Singapore) to see her! And I get to come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas to boot. Yay!
I think that's about it for the update. I'll try to be more regular.
Read "The Optometrist" for a different view of the world around you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:D Thanks for the little insert about me. I'm so glad you're coming to see it!! Love you!

Lawrence Weather