Wednesday, February 15, 2006

That's Amore...

Another Valentine's Day has come and go. It seems when the one person you wish was there to celebrate it with you is gone, all you see is couples. It didn't help that the Kansan published a big photo spread of a couple hanging around town. Oh well. I did get to talk to Kayla for a while on the phone, and she sent me chocolate, which is always good. We also celebrated our Valentine's Day back in January when I was still in Minnesota.
I still do not have a roommate, of which I'm very pleased. While it can be lonely sometimes, it's still a lot better than what I did have.
It's cold again today. Low 20s and wind in the 20s (mph) as well make for not a fun walk home. At least I'm not sweating.
Well...nothing else really exciting going on around here.
FX, which normally isn't that great of a cable channel, is going to air a very interesting series starting on March 8th. "Black.White" is exactly what it sounds like. Black people will get makeup to be white, and white people get makeup to be black. Not only just good television, it also serves as a real world social experiment to see how far we've really gotten as a society in the area of civil rights. I will be looking forward to it.
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