Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A flicker of light at the end? Or just my head...

I've been noticing that things are maybe....just maybe...winding down here. I am getting more and more papers and projects that are due in the next few weeks, which in turn will spill out into finals.
Almost halfway done! Woo!
I'm going to turn in my final Kansan piece tomorrow. Once that gets published on Friday, I'll be putting all three of them (I know, big number) up on here for you all to read.
I also just bought some groceries tonight. Twas a glorious occasion. Soup in a can, peanut butter and jelly ingredients, crackers, and the ever-craved OJ. I shall eat well and not be mooching off my roomies for a while.
For those of you who don't know, I'll be living in the sort-of apartments on campus next year called the Towers. I just know I'll be in Tower C, and I know one of the three other guys from Navs. That's about all I know for now.
Moving on to some current events stuff:
I was watching something on the ABC podcast, and someone was interviewing somebody else about the VTech shooting yesterday. Whoever was asking the questions was asking, in a very accusatory tone, why campus wasn't locked down and why there was so little security around the campus.
Allow me to answer.
It's a campus. If you put a wall and metal detectors around a campus, it become a prison or something. A campus is supposed to be open. That's one of the main reasons I didn't go to the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities. That campus is not open at all.
As for the lockdown thing...good grief people. It's a college campus, not a high school (which they still have problems "locking down.") These news idiots filling the day with the same loop of information cuz they can't find any more available news ot report need to stop and think about the questions they're asking.
Alrighty. That's just my two cents.
Back to the fun fun polysci paper due on thursday. If you all want to know, it's about what the United States role should be in internati----
And everyone fell asleep.

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