Friday, September 09, 2005


I really couldn't think of a better title than that. I went to the union tonight to see "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." Wow. Whoever thought up all that stuff had quite an overactive imagination. Some of the theogly stuff was a little off, but otherwise it was a very good movie. They decided to start it at 7:00, instead of 7:30 like it says on the schedule, but I don't think I missed a whole lot.
But that's not the expierence I was talking about. It got done around 9:00, so it was dark. The union is about a half-an-hour's walk from Templin (my dorm). It was eeire. There were other people walking around, but it's nothing like walking behind Wescoe during the day with 300 people in your line of sight whatever way you look. It was very still. Not quiet; the bugs saw to that. But still. The buildings looked almost omnious. I tried to go in Anschutz Library, but it closes on Friday at 8. Oh well.
Then I really needed to go to the bathroom. (Sorry you had to hear that, but it's pertinant to the story.) Murphy, the music/dance building, was nearby, and I figured it would be open. It took me awhile to find the darn's Men's room (apparently they don't think that putting the two varieties of restrooms next to each other is a good idea). When I was searching, I came across a door marked "Organ and Church mUsic" or something like that, and someone was playing the organ inside. I stood there for a couple minutes listening, but then thought that I didn't want to get arrested for being suspicious, so I did my business and left. Around the Burge Union (a mini-union near my dorm) the third interesting thing happened: I saw a skunk waddling around in the grass. It took awhile to register, because skunks aren't things one usually sees wandering about every day. I then decided to leave, because it saw me. No need for explanations there.
Well, that's my story of my weird night here at KU. Hope it wasn't too boring or anything...just felt it was a farcry from anything else I've been posting here.
Remember, leave comments!

1 comment:

Caleb Sommerville said...

I don't know Karate....but thanks for the confidence anyway.
I think.

Lawrence Weather