Friday, September 30, 2005

Gone for the Weekend

Hello all. Just thought i should put up a new post before i head out. The Navigators are hosting a camping/paintball trip this weekend, and I am venturing to get myself brused and broken in the name of manly bonding.
Acutally, i have no idea if i will be bruised or broken. I've never been paintballing before. Should be fun!
Nothin else really to report...went to a meeting this morning about last friday. Basically, the guy (head of the hall or something like that, never did catch the full title) knew i didn't do anything wrong, but still outlined the toaster and the smoking and that lovely stuff. It was good to get to see the inner workings of the dorm, but at the expense of COMS130. Darn.
Well..i will most certainly be updating Saturday night to tell you all of my adventures.
Da svedanya!(Goodbye, phonitically, in Russian)

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