Tuesday, September 27, 2005


..because I can't think of a good title this early. Well, here's an update on the fabulous and exctiing life of me:
Got a "mini care package" from my dear mother with candy and command strips in it (yummy) and an envelope of Calvin and Hobbes (they are running that in the Star Tribune again). My parents know me so well.
I gave blood yesterday. That wasn't so bad. It wasn't Red Cross doing it, so it was a little different, but still ookeydoky(mom).
I also got a lovely letter yesterday to send me to an "Administrative Heariing" over the "incident" last Friday. I also have to skip half of my COMS class, thanks to Mr. Smartypants.
Oh well. At least it will be over then.


I really don't have anything more to say...keep readin' and keep LEAVING COMMENTS!

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