Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Ah, Coms130.

Venting. Such is the nature of blogs.
For the past few days in Coms130, my speech class, we have been giving persuavsive speeches. This one incredibly intelligent girl decided to try and persuade us that the drinking age should be 18. NOWHERE in her speech did she mention that it was 18 in the 70s, or that many horrible things happened because of that. Convienant. Her main points were that "Everyone will already do it, so why not just make it legal?" and "18 year olds are already mature enough." Both of which, of course, are complete and total bull. First of all, "Everyone" doesn't drink. There's even a group for those smart ones of us who don't. Second of all, it's illegal. Her "out-with-a-bang" ending was "So next time you all (unproven generality) have a shot or a beer in your hand, think about how much easier it would be if it was legal." So basically, she was admitting it was illegal, but still condoning it. Along those lines, here's my closing line for my speech about why murder should be legal. "So next time you all have a knife or gun in your hand about to kill someone, think about how much easier it would be if it was legal." Same argument, right? Yet now it sounds ridiculous. Hmm....does drinking cause anything like this? Of course YES! Drunk driving, impeded judgment, etc.
Mature enough? Is that why my roommate comes home wasted and calls all his friends to tell them he's "drunk as F---?" Is that why he orders a sandwich at 3 in the morning and then forgets about it? Is that why people at the football game were mumbling and shouting the Rock Chalk chant well after the game? Interesting concept of maturity.
Well, i'm done with that.
I get to enroll in classes today after 6pm, and already one is full. So, instead of Introduction to Political Theory (which actually sounds interesting to me despite the boring title), i'm taking either a art history of Japan or a history of China and Japan.
Well, that's about it...more later!

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