Thursday, November 17, 2005

Cold Weather at Last!

It's finally cooled down here in Lawrence. About two days ago, the temp dropped to around the mid 30s, and has remained there or lower ever since.
Just like home!
We got a little bit of snow from the massive storm that reached all the way up to Minnesota, but nothing substantial. It will be awhile before the ground freezes here, considering it was around 80 not 2 weeks ago. Oh well. I still get to wear my big winter coat and my nice leather gloves from Colorado! Thanks again, Mom and Dad.
Well...not a whole lot more to report on here in Kansas. The debate still goes on with Evolution vs. Intelligent design. Can't say i've been following it very closely, since i never had to go to high school here. Apparently Lawrence is right in the middle of the debate. I really don't see what the debate is. Why should teachers be forced to teach a theory that has many holes in it and not allowed to teach the truth? Most "intellectuals" (read as: "people far too smart for their own good") say that intelligent design is just a crutch, and then they go back to leaning on the splintered, rotting, and on-fire "crutch" that is evolution. They choose to ignore certain evidences against them and for intelligent design.
The only thing more I can say is: They've obviously never been to Colorado.
Or New Zealand.
Or Australia.
Or--the list goes on.
Well, that's my 2 cents on that issue...if anything more exciting happens here in Kansas, whether it be a acutal important event or just something in my life, you know where to turn!
__________________________________________________________ Your window into a world that quite possibly could be pretty darn boring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are thinking about some of the big issues of life which help us to understand our faith and our world. You have obviously given thought to the ideas of Evolution and Intelligent Design. You must believe whatever seems most convincing to you. But I want you to remember two things that some Christians forget:

1. If we could prove Intelligent Design, we would not have proved the Christian God. The Designer could be an amoral being who delights in making both beautiful things (sunsets, flowers, stars, intricately-designed bodies) and evil things (earthquakes, cancer, defective babies). Therefore Intelligent Design can’t be a satisfactory argument for the truth of the Bible.

2. If you should ever study enough biology, geology, and paleontology to become convinced that evolution is the most reasonable explanation for the diversity of life on earth, you would not need to abandon your faith. Many who are educated in science accept that science enlightens us about the “how” of creation and the Bible enlightens us about its “why.”

Some evolutionists would like us to believe that their theory “disproves” the Bible. Don’t fall into their trap. Our faith rests on a much firmer foundation than any one theory of creation.

Lawrence Weather