Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Geek Thoughts

Being the semi-nerd that I am, I thought it would be interesting to explore technology in today's post. As the entire world knows, Apple's main deal these days is the iPod. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, read this first. Anyways, there was an article today on Excite about how other companies like Dell and Rio are slowly dropping out of the market of hard-drive music players. Apple is holding on to it's top spot in the world of mp3 players. For now.

There is something strangely familar about all this, though.

Not that I was alive or anything, but in the mid 80s when personal computers were just getting started, the market behaved a little like the music player market. There were several other small companies working on the computer (the mouse interface was actually designed by Xerox), but Apple was the first to really successfully market and get it's products out in the market. Then Microsoft came along. Everyone knows the story of how nerdy-looking Bill Gates tried to get into the market getting only laughs from the suits at IBM. It did take awhile for Microsoft to get going, but once they got the operating system (DOS, which may or may not have been "borrowed" from elsewhere) , then IBM gave them a chance, and the rest is history. Apple then really went down in the 90s. Then they released the iPod and secured their future. makes one think...who's going to topple Apple? It's happened before, in somewhat the same circumstances. Sure, Microsoft doesn't really need to come out with some new product (the XBOX will secure their future for a while), but it could happen. Or is Apple going to try and come out with some new next-gen gaming console? Only time will tell.
All right, that's enough of the Geekiness. Hopefully it's all out of my system now. Moving on to the local happenings...nothing really has been going on here. I have my first test tomorrow in Russian, which should be okay. Economics continues to be especially dry.
English is the same old same old. We're reading The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which is very well written. East Asian History is a lot of fun. Even though it's mostly lecture and notes, it's still very interesting.
Well, that's all for now...and LEAVE COMMENTS!


Anonymous said...

Hi Caleb
Thanks for your geeky musings. Glad you're roomate's out. Great job with the clean room!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry to admit it but i gave in to the ipod craze...i really just got sick of all my cds piling up everywhere. I find it usefull. I actually wanted to let you know that i just bought the "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" along w/other stories by Robert Louis Stevenson. I plan on starting it after i finish Huxley's "Brave New World". Best wishes!!!

Anonymous said...

Just thought I would leave a comment since you seem to know when I look at this!! Creepy!

Lawrence Weather