Monday, February 06, 2006

Super Snore/ Musings on Society

Wow that was boring. The Super Bowl wasn't that exciting. There were several horrible calls by the refs, the commercials were good few and far between (like the Emerald Nuts one about Eagle-eyed machete enthusists doing something with a short Druid...I dunno), and the halftime show was too short and those Rolling Stones are ancient.
But that's enough complaining. I went to Topeka to watch the game with some friends who live down the hall, so it was still fun. Nothing else really that exciting has been going on here, so this will be a short post. I'm finally over that stupid cold. I still do not have a roommate, which is very nice. That's about it for now onto my muse of the day.
I have been noticing recently the utter fascination with celebrities that our society has. Every time I flip through some really good channel [sic] like VH1 or E! there's something about somebody breaking up with someone else and a home video of somebody else's being released. I know I may sound really strange and totally illogical [sic again] right here, but here's the question that comes to mind:
Are we really that bored/lazy that we need to immerse ourselves in the lives of other people who usually have way too much money? Think about all the things that people who watch and read about all this mundane celebrity crap (Whoa, Britney just bought a latte!) could accomplish if they didn't waste all that time!
All rightey, I'm done. Please leave comments!


Unknown said...

Couldn't agree more with everything you said. Was that the most horrible rendition of The Star Spangled Banner (with the exception of Roseanne)?? Also, all members of The Rollings Stones make me want to vomit for some inexplicable reason. My favorite commercial? The foal desperately trying to pull the Budweiser (it is Budweiser, right?) wagon who,unknowingly, is helped out by mom and dad horse. Kinda tugged at the ole heartstrings!

Enjoy your time in college!

Anonymous said...

I like pie! I like pie! I like pie!

Best commercial was Fedex for sure!

Anonymous said...

Yeah man, I hate hearing about all the celeberties breaking up and getting together and eating too much and eating to little and being seen here and being seen there and being rude to this and that person ect. I don't even remember there names, why do I want to know?!?!?!?!?!

Lawrence Weather