Saturday, May 27, 2006

One Week Home!

And it's been a fun week. My dad and I drove all the way home on friday night and got into Hutch around 1:30. On Saturday I went to Kayla's graduation party basically all day. Sunday I played my guitar for church, and we also had a fellowship dinner (or was it a welcome home dinner for me? hmmm...). The rest of this week has been pretty laid back. On monday, i went in to 3M and took various tests for my job which is starting this Tuesday. Last night we had a going-away party/dinner thing for the Davises, which was a lot of fun also.
Overall, it's just good to be home. I start work on Tuesday, and I work 5 days a week, from 7am to 3pm. Shouldn't be too bad. And it pays 9 bucks an hour, so it's really not too bad.
Well, I guess that's about it for this entry. I decided to update since my parents were giving me a hard time about not updating it ("How are we supposed to know what's going on in your life?")
Until next time...!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Back in 1977, the first Star Wars film was released. Not included in the original theatrical release or special edition was the famous Biggs and Luke scene. For the nerds, Biggs was the friend Luke saw before the launch of the attack on the Death Star. It was supposed to be in between when the droids escape and when Leia was captured. I agree that it shouldn't have gone there, but now that I have watched it, i think it is excellent and really shows why Luke wanted to leave Tatooine.
I know, I'm a nerd, but this is really exciting for me.
Here's the link on Make sure you have a relativly fast net connection to watch it.

'Tis a good day

Today was a good day. I completed my last two finals. My history one took all of 8 minutes (it was only 25 multiple choice/true false questions), and my econ took about 30 minutes (40 multiple choice questions). After my history one, I went to the private bookstore here called Jayhawk Bookstore (they are not affilated with the university in any way) to try to sell back the rest of my books. They took the never-used econ one the university wouldn't take back and a bunch of other ones and gave me $100.00 for all of them. I have decided never to deal with the university book stores again.
I have a majority of my stuff packed up and my dad is coming here around 3 or 4 tomorrow to load up all my stuff. I helped Stefan move out all his stuff today too.
One day left!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

*Said in William Wallace voice* "FREEEEEDOMMM!!!"

Hallelujah! Russian is over! True, I do have another year left, but it's done for this year. WOOHOO! The final was....okay. I memorized a composition thingy for it, so i at least got that part right. Now I just have two more finals tomorrow, which I'm not worried about at all. East Asian History's in the morning, and our prof said it should take about 15 minutes tops. Econ104 is in the afternoon, and that shouldn't be a problem. Easy class. Then, come Friday at 4:00, I'm outta here!
In related happy news (for me, at least), the controversial film The Da Vinci Code opened today to critics and will open "worldwide" as it's ads say tomorrow to somewhat mixed reviews. On the review site (here's a link to the Da Vinci reviews), many critics said it was "boring," "too long," and just "overblown." I couldn't be happier. While i may be a hypocrite since i've never actually read the book, I think what Dan Brown (the author) is doing with it is despicable. He claims it's all "based" on fact, but he takes certain "liberties" (including saying the peaceful Catholic group Opus Dei is really a murderous cult, saying Constantine decided what was in the Bible and the deity of Jesus, and that Jesus married Mary Magdelene) to make his story more interesting. Of course, many Christian groups are outraged, and the atheists and other anti-Christian groups are (were) having a wonderful time. It is released tomorrow to the mainstream, so we'll just have to see how it goes.
Here's what i have to say to fellow believers, though. You are not to judge. Only Jesus Christ is the true Judge in our world, and we should not tell other people that they are "going to hell if they watch this film." I really don't have a desire to see it, but one of my friends from Minnesota says he's going to see it to see how he can talk to people about the truth. We should not be "Bible-beaters." People love it when Christians come across as rude and uninformed. We are called to love everyone. Not just believers, not just people receptive to the truth. Everyone. That means, no telling people they're going to hell (who are we to tell people that), no trying to get people to boycott the film, nothing like that. All we need to do is just calmly tell people the truth. If we follow Jesus' example, Dan Brown's discrepencies and fallacies will be brought to light and the lies will fail. If we become violent and yelly (if that's a word), no one will take us seriously.
Alright, i'm done. Probably one more post in Kansas, and then this summer's entries will be live from Hutchinson, Minnesota!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Photo #13

My old driveway in Columbia, MO
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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Whoa!'s been a little while. Actually, there isn't really a whole lot to write about. Classes are over as of Thursday, and my first final is on Wednesday. I do have a few take-home essays to finish, but for the most part, finals shouldn't be that hard. Except of course for Russian. That will be the majority of my studying.
Otherwise, things are winding down. I have about half of my stuff packed away and ready to go. I'm moving my carpet and firdge and other big crap out on monday to a friend's house. Then, next friday, i am officially out of here! Woohoo!
Last night, navs had the last event of the year: the decades dance. Plans apparently fell through or something so we had to have it at someone's house instead of the usual bigger place. It was still fun, though. I didn't dress up, so no pictures. Oh darn.
Um...that's about it for now.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Photo #12

The Coffee Company kitchen!
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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Two items of interest me, at least.
The first is the conviction (finally) of Zacarias Moussaoui. He's been sentenced to life in prison. Many people believed that he should have been put to death, but I don't think so. Sure, he was quite possibly involved in the 9/11 plot, but he would've used his death sentence to become a martyr among the Muslim extremists (notice I said extremist-I know that not all Muslims are crazy and suicidal). The life sentence was the best thing for him. And his whole deal with "taunting" the court? That's just him understanding the American press. He would've "taunted" the court no matter what the court said. That's just him understanding that whatever he said would be repeated over and over again on the air and in print. It's his last goodbye.
In other news, the second Lego Star Wars video games is coming out in September! Call me a nerd all you want, but the first one is a lot of fun. They have witty cutscenes, challenging gameplay, and in the second one, customizable characters (Think, Darththreepio, R2bacca). I'm looking forward to it.
That's it for this fun week in my life. Tune in next week when I'll still probably not be talking about anything!

Photo #11

Alcatraz Island
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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Photo #10

My great-grandmother Thomas' grave. She's who I'm (middle) named for.
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Monday, May 01, 2006


Things are winding down here. After a lovely (cough) weekend of neverending rain, the third-to-last week of school has begun. Well, actually it's more like the second to last...since next Friday (the 12th) is stop day for classes. But I still have finals the next week so...yeah. I'm still looking for a place to store all my big stuff like the fridge, my huge roll of carpet, my big CD/DVD shelf and some books and stuff I don't need over the summer. No dice yet, though. oh well.
Nothing else really that exciting going on here.

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