Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Two items of interest me, at least.
The first is the conviction (finally) of Zacarias Moussaoui. He's been sentenced to life in prison. Many people believed that he should have been put to death, but I don't think so. Sure, he was quite possibly involved in the 9/11 plot, but he would've used his death sentence to become a martyr among the Muslim extremists (notice I said extremist-I know that not all Muslims are crazy and suicidal). The life sentence was the best thing for him. And his whole deal with "taunting" the court? That's just him understanding the American press. He would've "taunted" the court no matter what the court said. That's just him understanding that whatever he said would be repeated over and over again on the air and in print. It's his last goodbye.
In other news, the second Lego Star Wars video games is coming out in September! Call me a nerd all you want, but the first one is a lot of fun. They have witty cutscenes, challenging gameplay, and in the second one, customizable characters (Think, Darththreepio, R2bacca). I'm looking forward to it.
That's it for this fun week in my life. Tune in next week when I'll still probably not be talking about anything!

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