Monday, November 28, 2005

Back in KS/Weekend Summary

It was a fun weekend, but alas, I had to return to Kansas for another three weeks to finish out this semester.I had a lot of fun this weekend!      Thursday was fun.  It was a bunch of cooking and cleaning and last-minute set up things for the meal at 2.  We had 16 people over, so it was a full house.  The Burrs, the Smiths, and (I can't remember her name!) came over for dinner and random talk and a very lively game of Pit later on with the kids.  The turkey was delicous as always, as was the cranberries and pie and stuffing and anything else i forget to mention here.  I can only hope that there will be leftover cranberry sauce when i get home in 3 weeks...just kidding.  But you'll make more, right Mom?  Hehe!    On friday we went to "West Side Story" at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater.  I thought they did a very good job.   The script they used was exactly like the one we had for the high school two years ago.  The set was very imaginative.  It consisted of a bunch of metal ladders and platforms through which cast members seemed to just appear out of nowhere.  I thought they did a great job.  Even the gunshot worked!  We got home and prepared for another party.  A bunch of people from school and church came over to our house to just hang out.  We played Cranium and Catchphrase and whatever else was going on in that crazy house.  It was fun to see everyone again and hear Jeremy never stop talking.    Saturday was lazy day.  I started my speech which isn't due until Friday, so that tells you how bored i was.  I really can't remember what else I did on dad and I tried to go see the new Zorro film at the revamped State Theater in Hutch, but their equipment wasn't working or something.    Sunday we went to church.  I went early to set up with dad.  It was fun to see everyone and how much the little ones have grown.  Moose's sermon was good as always.  Then we headed for the airport to send me home.  I got to the gate fine, but they wanted to charge me 7 bucks to use the stupid wireless internet.  Scalpers.  Then the pilots were 3o minutes or so late to the plane, then there was some issue with fuel, and then once we actually got to KC, we had to circle the airport for a long time because of the stupid weather.Well, there's my weekend in a nutshell.  A very large nutshell...i hope it wasn't too boring for all of you. 
---------------------------------------------------------18 Days till I'm home again! 


Anonymous said...

Your dad is quite bothered by the fact that you seemingly gave me credit for making the cranberry sauce. I did not make it this year -- your father did! Give credit where credit is due and your daddy will be happy!! :o)

Caleb Sommerville said...

Ooooops!! I'm terribly sorry, dad!
The cranberry sauce was great, and DAD made it!
I apologize for the mistake.

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