Wednesday, May 17, 2006

*Said in William Wallace voice* "FREEEEEDOMMM!!!"

Hallelujah! Russian is over! True, I do have another year left, but it's done for this year. WOOHOO! The final was....okay. I memorized a composition thingy for it, so i at least got that part right. Now I just have two more finals tomorrow, which I'm not worried about at all. East Asian History's in the morning, and our prof said it should take about 15 minutes tops. Econ104 is in the afternoon, and that shouldn't be a problem. Easy class. Then, come Friday at 4:00, I'm outta here!
In related happy news (for me, at least), the controversial film The Da Vinci Code opened today to critics and will open "worldwide" as it's ads say tomorrow to somewhat mixed reviews. On the review site (here's a link to the Da Vinci reviews), many critics said it was "boring," "too long," and just "overblown." I couldn't be happier. While i may be a hypocrite since i've never actually read the book, I think what Dan Brown (the author) is doing with it is despicable. He claims it's all "based" on fact, but he takes certain "liberties" (including saying the peaceful Catholic group Opus Dei is really a murderous cult, saying Constantine decided what was in the Bible and the deity of Jesus, and that Jesus married Mary Magdelene) to make his story more interesting. Of course, many Christian groups are outraged, and the atheists and other anti-Christian groups are (were) having a wonderful time. It is released tomorrow to the mainstream, so we'll just have to see how it goes.
Here's what i have to say to fellow believers, though. You are not to judge. Only Jesus Christ is the true Judge in our world, and we should not tell other people that they are "going to hell if they watch this film." I really don't have a desire to see it, but one of my friends from Minnesota says he's going to see it to see how he can talk to people about the truth. We should not be "Bible-beaters." People love it when Christians come across as rude and uninformed. We are called to love everyone. Not just believers, not just people receptive to the truth. Everyone. That means, no telling people they're going to hell (who are we to tell people that), no trying to get people to boycott the film, nothing like that. All we need to do is just calmly tell people the truth. If we follow Jesus' example, Dan Brown's discrepencies and fallacies will be brought to light and the lies will fail. If we become violent and yelly (if that's a word), no one will take us seriously.
Alright, i'm done. Probably one more post in Kansas, and then this summer's entries will be live from Hutchinson, Minnesota!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Hutchinson! See you here, Caleb!

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